“animated.gif (c) kitty roach”

Welcome to Late Night Poets

Second Annual Limerick Contest !




Limericks are short poems not meant to be taken seriously.

They consist of five lines with rhyme scheme aabba.

The pattern of syllable stresses is not set in stone,

but it is generally anapestic (unstressed, unstressed, stressed).

The first, second, and fifth lines contain nine syllables,

while the third and fourth have six.


This is a dry and technical explanation for a poem which is,

in reality, simple and fun to write. Limericks frequently

make slight departures from the ‘proper’ form,

and this is perfectly acceptable.

The limerick below gives you an idea of what limericks are all about.



 Winner will receive Our Much Coveted

Pot O’ Gold

trophy Blog Newsletter



There was an old lady from Kent

Whose nose was horribly bent.

One day Im suppose

She followed her nose

And nobody knows where she went.



there once was a man from key largo

who danced around on a bar-stool

till this lady did bump

his chair with her hump

and down he went like obamas approval


There was a young lady from Paris

whose specialty was dancing bare assed

she’d drink crummy gin

till the sailors came in

and CanCaned tll THEY were embarrassed


clove6r . . . . .





There once was a lady named Jean

She was never obtuse rude or mean

She was always a fine poet

And her verses did show it

The best poetry I have seen


There was an old man from the sticks

Who had a strange potion he’d mix

When he drank it down

His head spun around

It seems that he’s in quite a fix


